90 Year Anniversary

31st January 2025 - 2 February 2025

This upcoming summer sailing season marks 90 years of 18 Footer racing from Double Bay. This is a significant milestone we are very proud of and plans are being made to make it a big weekend of sailing and celebration.

The celebration will start on Friday 31st of January 2025 with the 18 Footers Super Sprint Series where legends of the 18 Footers will compete for the Balmain Cup. Already one of the biggest single events on the calendar, this 3 race competition starts at 5pm with a number of spectator ferries to watch the competition with a party afterwards.

On Saturday 1st February 2025 the 18 Footers will host the Skiff Sydney Harbour Marathon. All skiff classes are invited to compete in this historic event and we will be expecting over 100 boats making it a true spectacle on Sydney Harbour. With a presentation party afterwards in Steyne Park, this will be one not to miss.

Finally, on Sunday 2nd February 2025 we will celebrate the 90 year anniversary with two short course races. The first race will have each boat hosting their own Queen to compete for the title Queen of the Waves. The second race will be with the current league fleet seeing who will win the 90 Year Anniversary Trophy.

The planning has commenced to make this a carnival celebration paying homage to what the 18 Footers have been providing for 90 years to the sailing sports industry and to the Double Bay precinct. Mark your diaries and stay tuned for more information about https://18footers.com/90-years/.  We are looking for partners to help us in hosting this great celebration, if you want to get involved, drop us an email at info@18footers.com.

This anniversary ties in well with a major addition to the 18 Footers Bar and Restaurant.  In August, we will be opening our new extended deck that has replaced the old small deck on the harbourside of the building.  Now with a seated capacity of 54 people, the deck will feature dining style tables/seats along with lounge settings making it a perfect place to catch up with friends and family.  An opening party is being planned, standby for the date and details.